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Are you tired of watching your close friends achieve big goals, like running their first marathon or selling out their group programs, yet you can barely find time to take your dog for a walk around the block?

You know that your lack of energy is impacting your business dream you’ve been chasing for so long.

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You started your business so that you can enjoy more freedom in your day-to-day life and pursue work that sets your heart on fire. But between juggling your kids’ activities, serving your clients’ needs, and trying to keep up with all the other never ending to-dos of your life, you’ve put yourself last on the list.

You’re so focused on everyone around you and the future of your business that you struggle to find the time to take care of your own personal needs.

You’re not even sure what self care looks like for you.

You find yourself reaching for the quick and easy meal that you know you will regret later. You spend your hours with your eyes glued to your laptop and when the migraine kicks in again you wonder how you will be able to make up for another day lost.

The Instagram reel makes it look like everyone has their life together except for you.

How do they make it look so easy?


Weekends off?


Meal planning for the week?

Don’t have time

Free time going for a walk?

The couch and a glass of wine sounds much more appealing.

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Right now, you feel defeated from ALL. THE. THINGS. your life and business are throwing your way, from unexpected health issues to failed launches and relationships that feel like they’re slipping away.

You’re not sure how to slow it down, let alone deal with it in a way that feels manageable.


>> you’re tired from burning the candle at both ends.

>> you’re overwhelmed from trying to be everything to everyone.

>> you’ve become the “machine” so you can “get it all done”, assembly line style, and in the process of mass production, you've lost yourself.


You know that you’re on your way to burnout, and something’s gotta give!

There HAS to be another way!


Remember that sense of freedom, energy and passion that drove you to quit your 9-5?

That’s still inside you.



Imagine if you could…


>> Learn how different foods affect your body so that you can ditch the fad diets and finally figure out the nutrition you need to feel clear headed and energized throughout the day

>> Learn how to create new daily habits around food, family time, and business planning that feel manageable so that you can stay organized, motivated and productive

>> Blast through limiting beliefs that are hindering your business growth so that you can gain back your confidence

>> Learn to create a morning and evening routine that incorporates mindfulness and movement so you can slow down and be more present for your business and loved ones

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Introducing powerful 1:1 coaching sessions


Kitchen talk

75 minutes of focused support and coaching

Are you new to living a gluten-free life or finding it hard to get into a groove? Let's have a chat about gluten-free food, gluten-free baking, or anything that's on your heart about living a joyfully gluten-free life.

What’s included:

  • Creating a safe and supportive container for you to be seen, heard, and understood, to express your hopes, dreams, goals, and struggles

  • Setting intentions for your session and the outcome you are looking for

  • Identify ways for you to move forward based on your life situation with concrete action steps

  • 75 min of focused attention on you, your goals, and your situation


Healthier together 

3 month 1:1 coaching

Ready to take a deeper dive? In this program, we will focus on your own personal needs to help you feel healthy, strong and energized. I will be by your side each step of the way.

What’s included:

  • 6 sessions over the 3 months

  • Learn the  foods that are right for you to heal and energize your body

  • Incorporate simple recipes into your day to feel stronger 

  • Learn techniques for clarity and sustained energy throughout the day


Elevate YOU

6 month 1:1 coaching

Are you ready to take your life + business to a new level? In this program, you will learn how to create a life and business that is truly reflective of your heart-centered desires. 

What’s included:

  • 12 sessions over 6 months

  • Learn power ways to feed your body for energy and clarity

  • Simple recipes for home, eating out and on the go to stay nourished and vital

  • Exercises and movements to increase your energy without burning out

  • Strategies to tap into your inner calling for your life and business

  • Mindset shifts to think bigger and level up


My process

My personalized results-oriented action plan will make sure we are both working on the same goals.

We will take a step-by-step approach to shift the way you approach your health and life, starting with the most impactful changes first and fine tune as we go.

This will allow you to hit the road running.

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Set clear and actionable goals

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Define a proven roadmap to achieve your goals

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Hit the biggest impact getters first

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Adjust and fine tune as we go

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Internalize the tools and strategies to take flight on your own


 You might ask…

“Why do you think you can help me?”

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You see, for years I climbed the corporate ladder as a research physicist. It allowed me to hone my analytical skills that come very handy now as I guide others on a similar path.

I learned a lot about my desires to create a dream life and my struggle to have my body keep up with my big vision for myself.

Back then I already knew I was meant for more. I learned early on that a healthy body (one that is properly nourished to heal and function well) is a must when you want to step into the fullness of who you are.

Once your body is taken care of, your mind + heart will be able to envision the path to your future life.

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Words of praise from past clients…

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“Thank you for helping me make strides with my health and in my business.

Your intelligence, creativity, and sense of fun make our work enjoyable as well as effective. I always leave our sessions with renewed clarity, energy and motivation.”

Alan Seiden, Principal at Seiden Group

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“Highly recommend working with Waltraud to improve not only nutrition but life in general! She successfully got my lifestyle to shift to a place of better nutrition, better health and resulting better habits and performance as a full time working mom. She customized a program designed to suit my specific needs and delivered it in a way tailored to what I could reasonably handle. She is also an absolute pleasure to work with!”

Jordana Weinstein, Client Service Manager + Entrepreneur

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this right for me? . . .

The private coaching programs are right for you if you know that you are meant for more but struggle with a healthy body, clear mind and sustained energy to create the life + business you desire. The program will be tailored to your specific needs and utilizes proven ways to healthfully nourish your body + mind, shift your mindset and habits for growth and allows for systematic expansion.

What is the difference between the 3 month Grow Yourself to Grow Your Biz and 6 month Elevate YOU program? . . .

We focus mainly on nourishing your body + mind during the 3 month program to give you a solid foundation for life. During the 6 month program we dive deeper into mindset, behavior strategies for success and business systems for growth while still addressing your need for a healthy body + mind.

Do I need to have successfully completed the 3 month Grow Yourself to Grow Your Biz program before enrolling in the 6 month Elevate YOU program? . . .

No. Both programs are stand alone. We will integrate proper nourishment for success into the Elevate YOU program.

What exactly do I get? . . .

The Programs include all of the following:

  1. Two private 45-minute sessions via zoom in a warm and supportive space each month for three or six months to be yourself and objectively work through your goals.
  2. A judgement free environment to explore new options, review your progress and challenges, and receive recommendations and insights for your next steps.
  3. E-mail support between sessions.
  4. A variety of handouts, recipes and other materials to support your goals.
  5. Accountability and support to uplevel and reach your goals.

If I book today, how much do I pay? . . .

For the private coaching programs you have the option of paying in full (most economical) at the start of the program or in installments.

What happens after I book? . . .

Once you make the decision to say YES to yourself we will hop on a call to set up goals and expectations as well as a timeline to support it. We will create the framework for our time together and will take a moment to tune into your deep inner voice and honor it’s wisdom. Our scheduled sessions will be filled with cathartic work followed by time to integrate all that’s learned into you daily life.


 you know it’s time to make profound changes to improve your health and productivity but You don’t know what Approach is right for you. Am I right?

Schedule a complimentary strategy session to get Direction!

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